Script Kiddie 100pts

It looks like a script kiddie was trying to build a crypto locker.
See if you can get the database back?

This problem gives us the encrypted_db file, you can download it on my github. After that we can see the file format using the following command.

❯ file encrypted_db
encrypted_db: ASCII text

This file has a text format, let’s look at the contents of the file.

❯ cat encrypted_db

After opening the file I thought that it had been encoded into the hex form. I use python2 interactive to decode the contents of the file.

>>> enc = open('encrypted_db', 'r').read().replace('\n','')
>>> dec = enc.decode('hex')
>>> dec

As you can see, we get lots of random characters. If we look closer to the last line, there is the character '=' so I’m guessing maybe this is base64. Let’s make a simple code to solve this challange.

❯ nl
     1	import re
     2	from base64 import b64decode
     3	enc = open('encrypted_db', 'r').read().replace('\n', '')
     4	dec = b64decode(enc.decode('hex'))
     5	print re.findall(r'flag[^.]*}', dec)
❯ python

And we got the flag.


Adobe Payroll 100pts

We've forgotten the password to our payroll machine. Can you extract it?

Almost the same as the previous challange, in this problem we were given Adobe_Payroll.7z, you can download the file on my github. Let’s extract the 7z file, in the 7z file there are two files, including the executable file and

❯ file Adobe_Employee_Payroll.exe
Adobe_Employee_Payroll.exe: PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386 Mono/.Net assembly, for MS Windows

❯ cat
# Adobe Payroll

- Category: I promise it's not malware 😈
- Points: 100

## Description

This is a .NET file. Take a look at dotPeek.

So basically, I think this program uses C# language. So you can use dotPeek to decompile. But in this case I use IDA to do static analysis. AdobePayroll Select Microsoft.Net assembly [pe.ldw] then click Ok. AdobePayroll In the Functions window there is a function of employee_payroll_checkUsername & employee_payroll_chackPassword, That function I think is used to compare a string. AdobePayroll AdobePayroll Let’s try using the admin as the Username and bmV2ZXJfZ29ubmFfZ212ZV95b3VfdXAh as the Password. AdobePayroll And boom!.. we got the flag.


Reverse Engineer 300pts

This program seems to get stuck while running...
Can you get it to continue past the broken function?

In this case we are given a binary reverseng file, once again you can check on my github to download the binary file ;). when we try to run the program we will get the SEGV message.

❯ ./revseng
[1]    12675 segmentation fault (core dumped)  ./revseng

❯ file revseng
revseng: ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=89d54c514d9f6bec697e52edfee4a495266b3577, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, with debug_info, not stripped

So without further ado let’s get started analyzing it using IDA. There is a function called void __cdecl print () and malloc () function that allocates memory of 0x15 or 21byte to flg, And each byte contains a decimal value. So this is the Pseudocode of the function, after we convert each index value of flg to character.


And we get the flag again.
